Spade | Call Center Quality Monitoring | Contact Center Quality


This role enables you to manage users, add forms, delete audits. Basically manage the application


An auditor is the person who performs the quality audit on a given audit form, he can also view reports and analysis

Centre Analyst  

This role is purely for MIS to view and work on reports generate through the audits performed on the application

Quality Audits

Audit Process

Ability for a QA to perform audits including viewing, editing, and reports

View Audits

Ability for the agents to view audits in the application

Edit Audit

Ability for an auditor to edit a completed audited


Ability to attach calls, documents in the application to aid in seamless monitoring process


Ability to download the attachments at a later point

Scoreing & Audit Forms

Custom Forms & Scoring

Gives the ability to make forms and assign scoring from the 8 methods that are avaialable in the application

Failure Reasons

Ability to assign failure reasons to parameters for negative marking

Multiple Failure reaons & Selection

Abiluty to have 2 level failure reasons along with multiple selection


Ability to assign weightages to parameters including zero weights

Reverse Marking

Ability to have reverse response types. e.g. Yes being negative and No being positive

Numeric Value Input

Ability to have text input of numbers in audit forms


Agent Workflow

Ability for the agent to either accept or reject an audit which is then resolved by senior auditors

Auditor Workflow

Ability for the auditor to accept or reject a re-audit done for his previous transaction Also has the ability to perform audits for transactions assigned to him

Reaudit workflow

Automatic sampling of transactions based on previous days audits and auto assign to re-auditors based on allocated % distribution

Revaluation Workflow

Agent or Auditor can request a transaction for re-evaluation including reports

Calibration Workflow

Ability to automatically assign audits for calibration after configuration including reports

Feedback Workflow

Ability to track the timeliness and effectiveness of the feedback to an agent along with reports

Transactions & Sampling

Single Transaction

Ability to add single transaction by admin or auditors

Bulk Transaction

Ability to upload excel file for bulk transactions

Audit Planner

Ability of plan current months audit based on different criterions that can be configured

Auto Allocation

Automatic allocation of transactions based on the percentage distribution as per transaction type

Auto Unallocation

Automatic unallocation of audits after a specified time period of inactivity

Automatic Upload of transactions

Facility to read an excel template from a remote folder and upload the same at specified time intervals

Automatic Sampling

Ability to perform sampling of transactions based on defined business rules which are configurable

Automatic Connection

Connecting to different call loggers to fetch transactions for audit

Emailing & Reporting

Welcome Email

Send welcome emails to users when they are first added

Automatic Mailing Reports

Send different reports to different email IDs automatically


Dashboards for agents, auditors and admins


A set of cool reports to know what is happening to your process


Custom Reports

If you are used to your own reports we can get them made for you

Configuration Section


Can create new uers, upload transactions, create forms

User Management

Ability for the admin to add or change users and their roles ALso the ability to have sub-roles defined based on scenario

Password Management

Complete access to all users to reset password.